
How to get unbanned from TikTok

How to get unbanned from TikTok

TikTok has become much stricter when it comes to abiding their community guidelines. The community guidelines are not the biggest problem when it comes to bans. You probably know what’s allowed to post and what’s now. However, the biggest problem of the TikTok bans is the fact they don’t specify the reason behind a ban. Often people don’t know why their account is banned and there’s no way to find out. In this article we will guide you to get your TikTok account unbanned from the platform.

Guide: how to get unbanned from TikTok

There are three ways to get your account unbanned from TikTok.
Step 1. Find out what’s the reason why you’re banned
This might be a no brainer, but often people forget it. After you get banned, it’s most likely you have received a diagolue box from TikTok.

Your account was permanently banned due to multiple violations of our Community Guidelines TikTok

TikTok won’t reveal the exact reason why your account is banned, so you have to find out yourself. Please check the TikTok guidelines. It’s possible you have actually posted against their terms of services, which makes it unable to get your account back.

Step 2. Appeal by email
This is the first option you can try to get your account back. There are different TikTok support email adresses online. The most effective email adress to get your account unbanned is: [email protected]. Other emails you can try are: [email protected], [email protected] & [email protected].

When you’re writing your appeal email, keep in mind you want them to activate your TikTok account again. Be kind & absolutely don’t show any anger. This might cause problems and minimize the chances of getting the account back.

Convince TikTok in the email to unban your account. Don’t email just once, it’s important to mail at least once per day untill you get your account back. TikTok is a huge company & receives lots of emails per day. Keep sending your emails as long as you can.

Step 3. Send a support ticket
You’re done with waiting? Or step 2 didn’t work? Try to send support tickets. Go to your profile -> privacy & setting -> report a problem. Choose “Other” from the list of options, there’s no category related to banned TikTok accounts.

Report a problem TikTok

You will get asked if your probem is solved; click on “no” and describe your problem in the feedback box. You can just copy your email, which you’ve used at step 2. For this step, the same theory goes around. Just send a ticket every day and hope for the best.

Send emails & support tickets

The way to get your TikTok account unbanned is sending emails & support tickets. TikTok is a huge company, which has a lot of people contacting them. It can be frustrating if they don’t reply to you, but keep your head up & keep sending emails & support tickets. They will notice at one point & help you with your problems.


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